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Bugs found in Flashcard Wizard 0.95

Date: 21/5/00
Problem: The User Stats don't take into account whether sets are included in interval study or not.
Severity: 3 - very annoying
Notes: This prevents the user from seeing accurately how many entries need to be reviewed at each day.

Date: 19/5/00
Problem: Fonts don't get displayed correctly when doing flashcard study immediately after an import.
Severity: 1 - annoying
Notes: This can be worked around by selecting "Set Properties" then "OK" after importing a set and before doing flashcard study. I haven't found the source of this bug yet.

Date: 19/5/00
Problem: Occaionally there are "doublets" during Interval Study. Some entries get asked twice.
Severity: 3 - very annoying
Notes: I cannot seem to track down this problem. I believe the Set Filter might be responsible but haven't located the problem yet...

Date: 19/5/00
Problem: Marked entries don't get saved during interval study
Severity: 3 - very annoying
Notes: This will be revamped for the next release. There is no workaround for this one. Marked entries don't get saved if you are doing flashcard interval study.

Date: 15/5/00
Problem: Fonts and font sizes don't change properly for User Lists
Severity: 4 - effects display of entry information
Notes: In the next release User Sets can have their properties edited as normal sets are edited. In the meantime, one workaround is to use the Set doctor to manually change the fonts and font sizes of the file.

Date: 15/5/00
Problem: Spelling Errors in the GRE Words Sample List
Severity: 1 - annoying
Notes: This will be fixed for the next release.

Bugs found in Flashcard Wizard 0.93

The bugs listed here have been found and will be corrected for the next release of Flashcard Wizard. If you find any bugs in the program, please report it to The Fool's Workshop here.

Problem Severity Notes
Interval Study does not save statistics to disk. FIXED? 5 - Rare but annoying Can anyone pin down when this happens? It has happened to me every once in a while but since it is so rare I can't seem to find out under what conditions it occurs so that I can fix the bug. It appears to be very rare. (29/3/00)
If the last lesson open had a different non-Roman language script from the currently open non-Roman language script, and you have not used both language scripts since startup of the machine and you conduct flashcard or interval study, Flashcard Wizard will crash. 3 - Very obscure problem, but does cause an annoying sudden quit of the program. I can't do much about this one. If you use multiple non-Roman language scripts, switch once to each of them manually before conducting flashcard or interval study. The crash occurs because Flashcard Wizard is changing the fonts of various fields and this makes the OS change rapidly between language scripts. The OS can't seem to handle that and it seems the Japanese Kotoeri will crash. I don't know if other languages have the same problem but suspect they might.
Exporting files sometimes saves the files in the Flashcard Wizard file format (FoL1) instead of TEXT. FIXED 3 - Annoying, but can be worked around I have fixed this problem for the next beta release. In the meantime you can work around this by first selecting "Plain Text" as the default save format in the general Preferences and then exporting the file. You may then reset the standard save format to Flashcard Wizard files (FoL1).
Set status doesn't account for "flexibility" of hours. FIXED 2 - Just means that sometimes you will see words that need to be reviewed in "1 day" which can be reviewed in interval study now. I'll fix this for the next release.
Space at beginning of each field in Add Cards when first opened. 1 - annoying This will be fixed for the next release.
Things are still not getting reviewed when they are supposed to be. Some entries aren't having anything put into items 6+. FIXED 6 - Interval Study not working properly I can't figure it out, but sometimes only half the entries get saved in interval study, sometimes entries have no statistics recorded and thus show up in every review. This is a major problem with interval study and I'll fix it for the next release.
Number of entries in the set do not get updated. FIXED 2 - misinformation If you add or delete entries, the number of entries shown in the toolbar does not get updated.

Last Updated: Sun, May 21, 2000

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