How do I use the flashcard feature?

The flashcard feature that I designed for use in language study is, alas, not as intuitive as I thought it was. Here is how you use the flashcards:


1. Click "Restart" to begin.

2. Make sure there is a "checkmark" next to the field you wish to display initially (on the "front" of the flashcard as it were). If you wish to practice "from Korean" then you shouldn't ever need to click on the check mark boxes. If you wish to practice "from English" then check the second check box and uncheck the top checkbox. Again, unless you want to show both or the other field you should never need to mess with the checkboxes.

3. Look at the word, think to yourself, "What is the English (or Korean if you are practicing from English) for this word?" Then press "Advance."

4. If you got it right, click "Advance" again to go on to the next word. If you didn't think of the right answer, click "Wrong" and the card will be saved and you will be prompted to practice the word again when you have gone through all the other cards. Cheating yourself defeats the purpose of practicing the words—this isn't a test, click "Wrong" if ever your guess doesn't match the answer displayed when you clicked "Advance" the first time.

5. Continue in this manner until you have completed all the cards, and if you like, press "Restart" to begin again. Your performance is shown on the right as you flash through the cards.

Keyboard Shortcuts

There are keyboard shortcuts for those who are heavy users and don't feel like clicking the "advance" or "wrong" buttons all the time. You may have mixed results in some browsers. Safari on the Macintosh will "beep" each time you press a key but works. Firefox and other Mozilla variants appear to work fine. If you are using Internet Explorer, it may work, but....why are you using Internet Explorer? Please...for your own good, don't use Internet Explorer.

Z = Pressing the "z" key is the same as pressing "Advance"

X = Pressing the "x" key is the same as pressing "Wrong"